JAC - Joint Action Committee
Joint Forum of BSNL AEA
United Forum of BSNL Executives
Forum in Defence of CPSUs
Important ↣ Perks and Allowances ↣ CGEGIS - BSNLMRS ↣ BSNLMRS
Systamatic improvement in medical claims of BSNLMRS beneficiaries reg 20-08-18
Withdrawal of outdoor treatment without Voucher - 05-09-11
Withdrawal of OD treatment without voucher - Clarification - 12-09-11
Sterilization operations in BSNL empanelled hospitals -Special increment 09-02-10
Revision of Annual ceiling for reimbursement of outdoor treatment - Reg 11-07-18
Sr Executive Health checkup scheme extension 24-04-12
Revision of Ceiling rates and guidelines for various Coronary - Vascular Stents for CGHS -CS(MA) beneficiaries reg 21-02-2013
Review of extension of without voucher facility to Retired employees - Release of dues reg 24-04-18
Reimbursement of cost of appliances - Instructions 15-09-15
Review of BSNLMRS policy 16-04-10
Revalidation of BSNL Medical Card and payment of medical cash allowance with -without voucher facility to Retired Employees-reg 07-07-21
Reimbursementof cost of appliances 23-12-03
Reimbursement for appliances - Reimbursement of CPAP BPIP machine - 18-12-09
Procedure for Outdoor Medical Claim for BSNL Employee (Serving - Retired) reg 08-05-20
Preventive Health Care for all employees below the rank of GM reg 03-01-17
Offer of discounts on medicines of Appollo Pharmacy reg 24-08-16
Outdoor treatment ceiling for pensioners after pay revision 08-09-10
Outdoor treatment limit in the revised payscale of Executives 24-08-09
Outdoor treatment limit in the revised pay of Non Executives 10-08-11
Monitoring Outdoor Medical Bills expenses to employees under BSNLMRS reg 18-04-13
OD treatment out of state or SSA - Instructions 30-12-09
OD medical expenses - BSNLMRS - Random checkup reg
Medical reimbursement with voucher for outdoor treatment - revised annual ceiling reg 01-01-18
Medical facilities extended to Retired employees - Instructrions reg 10-08-16
Liver transplant surgery - CGHS Guide lines and Ceiling rate reg - BSNL Instructions 23-05-13
Liver transplant surgery - CGHS Guide lines and Ceiling rate reg 16-01-13
List of empanelled hospitals in Delhi 31-03-14
List of empanelled Hospitals at Delhi as on 2nd May 2013
List of empanelled Hospitals at Delhi as on 1 Nov 2013
Hearing aid - Cost of appliances - CGHS order 21-03-12
Hearing aid - Cost of appliances - BSNLMRS orderreg 03-04-13
Guidelines under BSNLMRS in view of Covid-19 pandemi reg 04-04-21
Guidelines for OD Medical claims by BSNL Serving - Retired employees reg 26-05-2020
Guidelines for various Coronary Stents - 09-01-09
Extn of CGHS facilities to retd BSNL employees reg 02-02-14
Extension of Validity of BSNL MRS Card for Retired Employees reg 05-05-2020
Extension of Revalidation of BSNLMRS Medical Card for BSNL Retired Employees of BSNL Corporate Office 21-04-20
Extension of Revalidation of BSNL MRS Card for BSNL Retired Employees reg 29-06-20
Extension of Revalidation of BSNL MRS Card for BSNL Retired employees reg 28-09-20
Executive Helath Check up for Senior Executives in BSNL 11-08-15
Extension of medical facility to spouse of Rtd employee married after retirement - 30-11-11
Extension of medical facility to Suspended employee - 26-05-11
Extension of CGHS facilities to the retired BSNL MTNL employees - Clarification reg 18-10-16
Executive Health Check-up scheme for Senior executives of BSNL 12-01-21
Empanelment of Dr Lal Pathlabs for pathalogical tests under CGHS rate 28-09-15
Executive Health check up Scheme for Sr Executives 25-04-2014
Empanelment of Hospitals in Kokata and Chennai - Guidelines 22-04-14
Empanelment of Hospital - NABH accredtion reg - Clarification 16-04-12
Details of BSNL executives who has expired due to Covid-19 infections or other reasons - reg 27-05-21
Delegation of power to waive OD ceiling in BSNLMRS - Clarification reg 17-04-15
Clarification reg eligibility of the family pensioners who are beneficiaries of BSNLMRS to migrate to CGHS reg 26-03-21
Cost of hearing Aid Re imbursement 09-07-10
Clarification on settlement of Medical claims of deployed - Serving officers availing CGHS Facility reg 14-03-19
Clarification on reimbursement of expenditure incurred on day care procedures - 12-10-18
Clarification Where no CGEGIS rate not available 23-04-07
Clarification on dependency of Parents of BSNL employees under BSNLMRS - 12-10-18
Clarification for the implementation of BSNLMRS- Eligibility of BSNLMRS Policy for family dependents of deceased BSNL recruited employees reg 15-01-21
Clarification for reimbursement of dietary supplements under BSNLMRS reg 17-04-15
Claim under BSNLMRS and Medical Insurance - Ruling - 09-02-09
Change over from CGHES to BSNLMRS- clarification 05-11-12
Change of settlement place for family pensioner 31-12-09
Change of Circle for medical claim purpose by retired employees - Reg 23-08-18
BSNLMRS-Constitution of committee to review medical policy reg 05-10-15
CGHS facility to deployed ITS officers of DOT 20-08-13
BSNLMRS-CGHS overstay period 04-03-12
BSNLMRS- Guidelines for issue of Two separate cards-15-10-10
BSNLMRS indoor treatment guidelines where no CGHS rates circular 23-10-12
BSNLMRS- After Retired employees death - Family pensioners are eligible 20-08-10
BSNLMRS Room rent for indoor treatment 20-03-12
BSNLMRS facility extension to Retiring employees facing disciplinary proceedings and non irelease of PPO reg 12-04-13
BSNLMRS Guidelines 28-02-03
BSNLMRS - Reimbursement for Oxygen Concentrator 23-02-12
BSNLMRS Beneficiary - Two children restriction cut off date reg 26-08-10
BSNLMRS - Guidelines to sought clarifications by Circle offices reg 30-11-15
BSNLMRS - Eligibility for Parent in laws of women employee - Clarification 05-06-12
BSNL MRS - Empanelled Hospital - DELHI reg 23-02-12
BSNL MRS - Empanelled Hospital - DELHI 23-02-12
Ayurvedic Unani treatment reimbursement 03-02-10