JAC - Joint Action Committee
Joint Forum of BSNL AEA
United Forum of BSNL Executives
Forum in Defence of CPSUs
Important ↣ General
Deloittee recomendations
IIM Ahmedabad Report
Strategic plan of Synergy among PSUs and Other Organisations of DoT
Withdrawal of closed holiday on account of HOLI in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh Telecom Circles reg 29-01-18
Volunteers from the Cadre of JTO to CNTX-South TN
Utilisation of In-house legal human resources at three levels reg - Dir HR letter 13-02-17
United forum struggle - Request from SR section reg 06-09-16
Uniform timings - IQs Holiday Homes Hostels - 11-07-11
Transfer of Bonds - Rulings - 09-12-05
Transfer Application thru respective Circles 06-03-12
Transfer and Posting of AGM II 08-07-14
Transfer and Posting of AGM 08-07-14
Trade Apprenticeship Training in BSNL - BSNL Swavalambi Scheme 2016 22-06-2016
Tenure transfer orders of SDEs (Telecom) - reg 01-12-17
Tenure transfer orders of SDEs (Telecom) - reg 01-12-17
Tenure transfer orddrs of SDE (Telecom) - reg 01-12-17
Tenure transfer of Executives (Telecom) - SDEs reg 01-12-17
Temporary ban on forwarding of applications of BSNL permanent employees for deputation to other organizations till 31-12-2022 reg 26-11-20
Suggestions for the growth of BSNL reg 09-10-13
Staff quarters utilisatiion policy - 26-11-06
Settlement of commercial disputes between PSE and Govt Dept through PMA in DPE 22-07-13
Sensitive post and non sensitive post identification reg - 03-12-08
Service Tax on service received from ILDOs - Not applicable to BSNL 10-01-12
Service book updation - 22-10-10
SDE Not Joining-SCF
Semi Hard tenure area - HP circle Categorisation reg 22-05-13
SDE Inter Circle Transfer order 08-07-14
SDE Inter Circle own cost transfer 15-04-14
RK U CMD Message - 05-05-11
Revision of scales of pay and allowances - IDA fixation from 68-8 to 78-2 - DOT letter to CMD 16-01-13
RH on 17-02-2015 for Mahasivaratri reg
Revision of BSNL IQ rates 13-12-2017
Revised IDA rates from 01-07-12
Revised IDA rate with effect from 01-04-14
Revised IDA rate order 11-07-13
Revised IDA rate from 01-01-2018 reg - BSNL order 22-01-2018
Review of engagement of Apprentices in BSNL reg 02-12-15
Remnaming Orissa Circle as ODISHA - reg
Repayment of bond amount on resignation by DRJTO- Clarification 22-01-13
Regarding mentioning name of the officers on the note-sheets and letters reg 10-09-20
Re-classification of Mathura- Vrindavan Municipal Corporation as Y Class city for the purpose of HRA reg 07-09-20
Provision of advance rent from visitors staying in IQs reg 26-08-16
Purchase of diaries for the calender year 2014
Posting of SDE in AP reg 04-07-14
Posting of Office bearers of Executives associations in Sensitive posts - Instructions 05-09-13
Physically handicapped - GOI Circulars
Payment of revised IDA rate from Jan 13
Payment of IDA in revised rates
PIB press release on BWA spectrum refund to BSNL and MTNL
Payment of revised IDA at revised rates with effect from 01-10-16 reg 07-10-16
Payment of IDA in Revised rates 19-01-17
Payment of IDA at revised rate from 01-07-2018 reg 23-07-18
Payment of IDA at revised rate - BSNL Cor office order 15-10-13
Passport - NOC is not Required for Government servants to apply Passport - MEA
Payment of IDA as per revised rate reg - Cor offie order 12-01-16
Pass Port Delegation of powers for Private passports 29-06-10
Operation and Maintenance and functioning of Administrative Offices in view of spread of COVID-19 pandemic - Instructions 04-04-21
O and M and functioning of the Admin Off during the lockdown period w e f 18-05-20 in view of the spread of COVID-19 pandemic 21-05-20
O & M of Long Distance Transprot Network during COVID-19-Reg 20-03-20
NE Unions - Framing BSNLs own recognition rules reg Cov lr 26-12-12
NE Unions - Framing BSNLs own recognition rules reg 26-12-12
MOU signed between DOT and BSNL - 2013-2014
NAPS - National Apprentice promotion scheme - Notification guide lines reg 29-09-16
MOU signed between DOT and BSNL - 2013-2014 - Cov lr
MOU for the year 2014-15
MOU for the year 2014-15 - Target
Labour Laws 05-11-08
Local council -Clarification 20-03-14
Licence fee for Departmental Quarters and Hostel revised w e f 01-07-2010 - 16-09-11
Labour Laws Compliance 29-02-12
LA arrangement in the grade of DGM in Telecom Operation Stream of BSNL Cor Off reg 23-03-20
Inclusion of representatives of employees association of BSNL in sports and cultural board and staff welfare board 18-07-13
JTO SRD for filling up backlog vaccancies 23-01-12
Investigation of CBI case - Providing certified copies of relevant documents by NOFN executing Circles reg 12-05-2020
Improving conditions of IQ - Instructions reg 13-01-17
Implementation of e-Office in BSNL reg 23-09-20
Immunity from Transfer - Clarification reg 17-09-12
IDA Revision-BSNL CO orders endorsing DPE orders revising IDA wiith effect from 01-01-19 reg
IDA revision wef 01-10-14 - BSNL enodorsement order
Holidays to be observed in BSNL Offices during the year 2018 reg 20-06-17
IDA revision order - 13-07-16
IDA revision as on 01-01-2016 - DPE order
Holidays to be observed in BSNL offices in 2013
Holidays to be observed in BSNL Offices during the year 2017
Holidays to be observed in BSNL during the year 2021
Holidays to be observed in BSNL during 2019 reg - 27-07-18
Holidays in BSNL - 2012
Holidays -2013 Corrigenda 16-08-12
Holidays for the year 2015
Holiday list for 2014
Holiday - RH on 28-12-2013 on the occasion of birthday of Shri Guru Gobhind singh reg 23-09-13
Highways cable laying ROW Policy 16-07-12
Highways Cable laying MORTH direction lr 16-07-12
Guidlines for Deputaion to other depts 22-05-12
Guidelines relating to transfer and posting - rationalisation of expenditure reg 08-04-19
Grant of Child Adoption Leave to female BSNL employees and extention of the facility of Paternity Leave to adoptive fathers reg 20-03-17
Guidelines for provision of telephone connection with STD and BB to Recognized Employees Union reg 20-12-17
Grading of CPSEs on the basis of their compliance with guidelines for the year 2012-2013
Grant of Child Adoption Leave to female BSNL employees and extention of the facility of Paternity Leave to adoptive fathers - DoP and T order 20-03-17
GMs authorised sign Agreement Affidafit etc 30-09-11
Fixing Time slot to meet Dir HR informally reg 21-11-16
Extra one hour work - Gesture of Unions and Associations - Dir HR letter 09-02-17
Extension of pay by date due to outbreak of Corona virus COVID-19 20-03-20
Examination of Review on Loss making PSUs by committee on Public Under takings reg 27-03-18
Engagement of Apprentices in BSNL under apprentices act reg 16-12-14
Emergency instructions in view of COVID 19 reg 23-03-20
Economy of expenditure under austerity measurers 14-12-12
Economy measures and rationalization of expenditure – guidelines relating to Company Cost transfers and own cost transfers reg 14-03-19
Distribution of staff by Recruiting circles to non-recruiting units on bulk rec -promo- tr in Circle Cadres reg 15-03-17
Director (HR) DO - SPS Cases
Diary purchase - Revised order 28-12-12
Declration of holiday on 14-04-18 reg 05-04-18
Declaration of Soft tenure areas 15-04-13
Declaration of Soft Tenure Areas - AP Circle 22-05-13
Declaration of Holiday on 14-04-2018 - Birth day of Dr B R Ambedkar reg 12-04-18
Declaration of holiday on Apr 14
CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility New Guidelines reg 06-01-15
Declaration of Closed Holiday on 14-04-2015 on account of Birthday of Dr B R Ambedkar 25-03-15
Declaration of Apr 14 as holiday reg 24-03-14
DA for Central Govt staff from 01-01-12
Customer Delight month - 27-04-11- DR HR
Comprehensive examination of BSNL by COPU - Committee on public undertakings
Conduct of Exit interview for VRS or Resignation cases - 16-05-08
Compassionate Ground Appointment - CGA- Clarifications 27-06-07
Compassionate Ground Appointment - CGA - Keeping in Abeyance thereof 09-04-19
Closure of NCES circle and creation of NCNNGN reg 29-08-13
Closing of offices in connection with different Elections - Clarifications 12-04-13
CMD to GS reg May 2009 Editorial - 10-06-09
BSNL Man Power - Draft Proposal 26-12-14
Closing of office in connection with Elections - DOP&T guidelines - 10-10-01
Clarifiction in Subscription-26102021
Change of Holiday on the occassion of Muharram
Change of date of holiday on account of Id-ul-Zuha -Bakrid reg 08-09-16
CGA - Creation and Calculation of vaccancies 28-12-11
BSNL Connecting Youth Campaign
BPCL Smart fleet Programme - Revised loyalty reward points reg 19-02-14
BSNL Connecting Youth Campaign - Revised 14-09-12
Austerity measure-CMD DO - 03-11-10
Apr 14 Closed Holiday Declaration 27-03-12
Applications to UPSC or other PSUs - Guide lines - 17-08-11
Application of Govt servant for employment elsewhere - Guide lines - 15-07-11
Appeal for contribution to Prime Minister Care Fund (PM-CARES) reg 05-04-20
Appeal to withdraw IDHF Strike 220428
Appeal to withdraw Black Day and Hunger Strike on 01-10-20 reg 29-09-20
Action Plan for Swatch Bharath 24-09-14
APAR Data Entry
Anupam Srivasta - CMD BSNL Apponitment order 15-01-15
All areas under Bihar and Jharkhand Telecom circles declared as Soft tenure areas reg - 03-12-14